I'm no longer using typepad. My current blog is housed over at tumblr: http://feedergoldfish.tumblr.com/,
I'm no longer using typepad. My current blog is housed over at tumblr: http://feedergoldfish.tumblr.com/,
I've been listening to Drabblecast. Here's their own description, "Short stories at the far side of weird". Sometimes they highlight weird news. In this podcast, narrator/producer Norm Sherman presents his rap version of the whole Utah teen arrested for rapping his order deal. It's the first item on Drabblecast 164. I love this podcast.
Merritt Grieves: Oh my goodness. Did you really just utter a version of "this town ain't big enough for the both of us"? How splendid! A man can go his entire life without hearing a sheriff say those words to him.
Jesus, that Sam Neil can play one helluva scary guy.Dan Ariely is a behavioral economist, (which sounds like a fascinating job), whose research focuses on decision-making. His experiments demonstrate that emotional states, moral codes and peer pressure affect our ability to make rational decisions. As a result, we don't!
His interest began with a long stay in the hospital, where, as a burn victim, he had to endure the pain of bandage removal. The nurses practiced the quick method of bandage remove (short duration, high intensity) rather than the slow method (long duration, less intensity). Dan wanted to try the slow method, but was unsuccessful in persuading them. The nurses believed they were following the correct model to minimize the patient's pain. Later, when questioning one of his favorite nurses, she speculated that her reluctance to try the slower method was due not only to her feeling that her intuition was correct, but also because the process was painful to her and shortening it minimized her own pain. This irrational decision-making, along with several others at that time resulted in his quest to study what he refers to as our "predictable irrationality".Now, here's an interesting example of clever advertising and the resultant irrational decisions made by consumers. In an ad for the Economist, the web & print subscription looks like a great deal. Get both for $125, which is the same price as the print subscription alone. But, remove the least popular choice, the print subscription, and present people with the web subscription for $59 or the print & web subscription for $125, and all of a sudden, the $59 web subscription is the most popular choice.
Mr Ariely: "We understand our physical limitations and build around them. If we understood our cognitive limitations as well as we understand our physical limitations, we could design a better world."This movie got some interesting reviews, so I checked it out on Netflix and it was pretty good!
Stanny: I don't know why there's this myth that women get dependent on men. I mean, every day in America, some guy snaps and kills his girlfriend. They gotta get restraining orders taken out against them all the time. Women never do that. Oh, you think you're immune, pal? Well, brother, you just ain't met the girl you wanna fuckin' kill some day!
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Library worker with 1.3 million unrelated interests.
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